Start-up ‘Bamboo India’ that strives to change the world with their ecofriendly idea wins big on Shark Tank India!

The Indian adaptation of the world’s no.1 business reality format – #SharkTank on #SonyEntertainmentTelevision has become the talk of the town amongst the Indian viewers. This one of its kind show is giving a perfect boost to many budding entrepreneurs to fulfil their great Indian dream of taking their business ideas to greater heights with the right guidance from the Sharks. From food and beverage, early education, metaverse based app to life saving devices, the show has brought to light some astonishing products that can be a game changer in the near future. Amongst the promising business venture, one such idea that impressed the Sharks was the start up ‘Bamboo India’ – a brand that aims to erase the use of plastics and make the world more plant friendly! This Pune based start-up got an investment of 50 lakhs for 3.5% equity share and 30 lakhs in debt from Ashneer Grover and Anupam Mittal.
With countries getting drowned in the rubble of plastic it has become a now or never situation for the citizens to protect the world. While world leaders mull over solutions that can save the planet while also keeping the chimneys of the capitalistic world high and mighty, Indian entrepreneurs, Mrs. Ashwini Shinde and Mr. Yogesh Shinde have a simple but unique solution to end all problems! The couple launched Bamboo India in 2016, with the aim to change the bamboo perception from The Poor Man’s Timber to Wise Man’s timber by providing a simple replacement for the harmful plastic with bamboo based products. With the use of technology for processing of the bamboo plant, the brand has developed around 22 products in addition to their star product i.e. their Bamboo Toothbrush. The brand has manufactured around 30 lakhs Bamboo toothbrushes which have been delivered across India and 18 countries in the world. With a vision to change the world with Bamboo, the couple aims to expand their brand further while helping the government realize the big problem of using plastic and making the country eco-friendlier.
Talking about her experience on Shark Tank India, Mrs. Ashwini Shinde said, “We are a company heavily invested in seeking solutions to the problems created by the poison of plastic use. We at ‘Bamboo India’ strive to create products that will have a longer shelf life than plastics and will help the environment even if discarded. At ‘Bamboo India’ we are creating products that can be used by all generations showing that eco-friendly products are cool. With Shark Tank India, we got the golden opportunity to put our product on a national platform so that even viewers at home can see the benefit of using ‘Bamboo India’ products and bring about a change in their habits. We thank Sharks Ashneer Grover and Anupam Mittal for coming onboard and believing in our mission to help India become more eco-friendly. Thank you, Sony Entertainment Television, for being the wind beneath our wings!”
Tune into Shark Tank India every Monday to Friday at 9 pm on Sony Entertainment Television.